ReThinking65: “Family Caregivers Need Tough Love”
June 22, 2023 — “Guiding and nudging caregivers to also help themselves can reduce the long-term stresses of caregiving,” explains
Jerily writes: In a poignant statement that President Jimmy Carter’s family recently issued about First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s dementia diagnosis, the family shared that “As the founder of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers, Mrs. Carter often noted that there are only four kinds of people in this world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.”
No matter where your clients are on this journey, you can help them find ways to reduce the many stresses that often come with the job, including retirement-security risk. Asking clients if they’re providing or receiving caregiving is a good first step. Seniors receiving care may be concerned about or oblivious to the burden they’re placing on their loved ones.
“Being a caregiver, it is not just financial stress: It’s emotional, it’s mental and physical stress,” Marguerita (Rita) Cheng, CFP, CEO of Blue Ocean Global Wealth in Gaithersburg, Md., says from experience.
“My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2004, before my third child was born. His condition started to decline precipitously in 2010,” she says. “Discussing caregiving and being sandwiched is important to me professionally and personally.”
Like other professionals who responded to Rethinking65’s queries about this topic, Cheng encourages family caregivers to put on their oxygens masks before helping others. We’ll get to their suggestions shortly, but first a look at some eye-opening statistics.