Asian Women Who BossUp: Secrets from Women Who Are Forging Their Own Path and Thriving

February 2021: A Note from Marguerita Cheng, CFP® Pro — I’m honored to be part of this important book written by 20 Asian women.

This is the third installment of the Women Who BossUp series, which profiles women who have broken the mold to achieve, overcome difficulties or inspire change through relentless endeavor. Hailing from across the globe, diverse walks of life, and varied disciplines, including STEM, healthcare, finance, coaching, and non-profits, “Women Who BossUp” is a welcome companion to any boss or boss in the making.

Our mission: You say you want to be Successful…. have you DECIDED to be successful yet? What would it take for you to decide? It really is just a decision away.

Click here to buy the book!

Contributing Authors: Tam Luc, Elizabeth Yang, Didi Wong, Liza Millan, Mary Dee, Lucy Liu, Amy Lin, Clare Wimmer, Marguerita Cheng, Jessica Han, Anita Chan, Sabrina Runbeck, Cathy Trinh, Samantha Mui, Vivian DeGuzman, Denise Michelle , Vibha Sharma, Sheena Yap Chan, Annie Hardock