US News & World Report: “Where to Find Free Professional Financial Advice”

US News & World Report, August 17, 2021 — “For the millions of Americans who are struggling financially, some advisors are offering free help,” writes reporter Marc Wojno in today’s article. “To find free financial advice from a money professional, Americans can turn to several resources.”

Mark explains that pro bono providers range from the Financial Planning Association to the federal Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program and the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. “That should be welcome news for the millions of Americans who continue to be stressed about the state of their personal finances,” he adds, noting that for many, COVID-19 has disrupted their source of income resulting in mounting debt, an unpaid mortgage, or rent, and the inability to fund emergency expenses such as medical bills.

For insight, Mark turned to Marguerita Cheng, CFP® Pro, a certified financial planner and CEO of Blue Ocean Global Wealth based in Maryland, who explained the three most frequently asked questions she’s heard since the COVID-19 crisis erupted in March 2020 are:

  • How do I file for unemployment benefits?
  • How do I manage my cash flow, including which bills to pay?
  • And which of my financial resources can I tap for money?

Click here to read the entire article!